Curriculum Statement
The PE department aim to develop the following:
- A wide range of physical skills through different activities
- Students being physically active for sustained periods of time
- Students engaging in competitive sports and activities
- Students knowledgeable of leading healthy, active lives
Students will make progress by moving from simple contexts and basic physical demands to more complex combinations of skills. They will become more competent and confident in techniques across different activities and sports. They will develop confidence and an interest to take part in sport after school and understand the long-term benefits of physical activity. We also encourage transferable skills and qualities such as leadership, coaching, knowledge, decision-making, technical ability and fitness. We encourage lifelong physical activity, offer students a wide range of sporting activities and experiences through the core PE programme in KS3 and 4 with some student’s moving onto KS4 and KS5 qualifications in sport.
Year 7
Students are allocated 2 hours of PE lesson each week. They will have 1 indoor and 1 outdoor activity each week and during Term 1-4 will participate in the following activities on a carousel basis:
Badminton – To be able to rally and serve effectively and using a variety of techniques start to outwit their opponent
Gymnastics – To become confident movers in different ways, exploring the themes of space, time, direction using rolls, balances, jumps and apparatus
Dodgeball – Develop an understanding of the skills, tactics and teamwork of dodgeball. This will lead to competitive situations in and out of school.
Netball – Using a variety of passes and knowledge of footwork, students will know the principles of attacking and defending in netball and understand the principles of an invasion game.
Football – Learn to choose, combine and perform basic football skills.
Tag Rugby – Develop an understanding of Tag Rugby and to be able to implement the learnt skills and tactics in to a game situation
Initially, during Term 1, Year 7 students will take part in multi-skills, comprising of lessons in major games, including racket skills, fitness and OAA, team building activities.
During terms 5 and 6 students will participate in the following:
Athletics – Students will be introduced to different events in track and field, including, speed, stamina, pacing, throwing and jumping events. Students will also gain knowledge of the health and safety aspects as well as the competitive rules of each event.
Striking and fielding games (rounders or cricket) – Knowledge of one of these games and skills taught related to one.
Tennis – Ball familiarisation activities and basics of forehand, backhand and underarm serve with the aim of maintaining a rally
Year 8
Students are allocated 2 hours of PE lesson each week. They will have 1 indoor and 1 outdoor activity each week and during Term 1-4 will participate in the following activities on a carousel basis:
Fitness To understand the idea of aerobic endurance and methods of improving it.
Gymnastics – An appreciation and exploration of flight on the floor, using benches, assisted flight, low apparatus, higher apparatus and partner.
Badminton – Knowledge of different shots and serves to apply in the competitive game of doubles to outwit their opponent
Basketball – Knowledge of passing, dribbling and shooting as an introduction to the competitive game.
Netball – Students develop their accuracy in the delivery of different passes in netball. They will progress their knowledge and understanding of how and when to intercept the ball, how to create space and how to utilise all 7 members of the team effectively.
OAA, including orienteering – Team Challenges and orienteering, map reading challenges, including use of compass and bearings
Tag rugby – Develop the skills and tactics of Tag Rugby and to be able to implement and understand how the learnt skills and tactics are implemented in a game situation.
Football – To develop team attacking and defending strategies and techniques. Students will select and apply their skills, so that they can carry out tactics with the intention of outwitting their opponents.
During terms 5 and 6 students will participate in the following activities:
Athletics – Students will refine standing techniques for throwing events and select and apply knowledge from fitness to stamina and speed events. Students will continue to gain knowledge of the health and safety aspects as well as the competitive rules of each event.
Striking and fielding games (rounders or cricket) – Knowledge, skills and tactics of one of these games with competitive rules.
Tennis – Improvement of groundstrokes and overarm serve. Knowledge and understanding of the doubles game and some basic tactics.
Year 9
Terms 1-4 students will study the following on a carousel basis: Fit for Life, netball, badminton, basketball, volleyball.
Students are allocated 2 hours of PE lesson each week. They will have 1 indoor and 1 outdoor activity each week and during Term 1-4 will participate in the following activities on a carousel basis:
Football – Pupils will focus on developing, implementing and refining team and individual game plans to outwit opponents. Teams will be expected to plan strategies and implement them in different situations in a football game
Netball – Accurate passing including running pass. An understanding of stages of defence and most can do recovery step effectively and an ability to focus on tactics of the game in a variety of positions.
Fitness – To gain an understanding of all the physical and skill related components of fitness and appreciate activities which benefit them. These will include fitness tests, aerobic and circuit training and other challenges such as rowing and Zumba.
Basketball – Continuation of basic skills to be able to play a more focussed game involving more tactics and knowledge of rules.
Gymnastics – Develop an understanding and ability of rhythmic gymnastics and partner balances.
Badminton – Development of the game of doubles using skills sand tactics such as smash and drop shot in order to outwit opponents.
Volleyball – Introduction of the basic skills of volley, dig and underarm serve. Focus on moment skills and anticipation in order to gain success in a rally followed by small sided games
During terms 5 and 6 students will participate in the following:
Athletics – Students will refine standing techniques and be introduced to more detailed techniques for each event. Students will continue to gain knowledge of the health and safety aspects as well as the competitive rules of each event.
Striking and fielding games (rounders or cricket) – Refinement and selection of appropriate skills for different situations. Tactics in batting and fielding and variations of bowl.
Tennis – Refinement of groundstrokes, overarm serve and introduction of volley and net play. Doubles skills and tactics and court coverage.
Year 10 Core PE
Students are allocated 2 hours of PE lesson each week. Each of their 4 lessons over a 2-week period will be a different aspect of the PE curriculum.
Performing – The class will choose a team sport for Terms 1 -2 and an individual sport for terms 3 – 4. The emphasis will be on playing the games and analysis of their individual and team strengths and weaknesses. Students will then devise action plans to improve common weaknesses in similar groups.
Sports Leadership – Students will learn the basics of sports leadership and practice ideas to culminate in leading younger children in Sports or dance activity either in school or off site.
Fitness – Students will learn the components of fitness and participate in fitness testing of each of them. They will learn how to get fit and stay fit in later life and experience a number of different types of fitness class.
Health – Students will understand the body systems, of the heart and lungs and learn how to take pulse rates and the different training zones to link with the Fitness component and gain benefits from their workouts. They will also understand respiratory health and BMI as well as First Aid, particularly linked to physical activity.
Year 11 Core PE
Students are allocated 2 hours of PE lesson each week of which is a double lesson. They therefore Have the opportunity to participate in activities out of school such as local leisure centres, ice skating, dry slope skiing and local park hikes.
In school activities have an element of choice, and will involve a more structured traditional activity for the first hour such as basketball or badminton, or netball or table tennis and the second hour a more relaxed choice including health and fitness, such as yoga, step or alternative games.
Year 11 – Btec Tech award in Sport, Activity and Fitness Level 1/2: This is equivalent to a GCSE grade and has 3 parts to it – 1. exam on training, nutrition and psychology. 2. Assignments on the body, technology and sports injuries. 3. Assignments and practical on Sports Leadership
Year 10 – Btec Tech award in Sport: (from 2022) This is equivalent to a GCSE grade and has 3 parts to it. Component 1: Preparing participants to take part in sport and Physical activity – Tasks set by Pearson relating to a scenario. Component 2: Taking Part and Improving other participants Sporting Performance – Tasks relating to practical activities. Component 3: Developing fitness to improve other participants performance – External exam set by Pearson
Year 12/13 – NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Sport: Sports Coaching: (equivalent to a GCSE grade) This is totally coursework based and although most of these are written assignments there is also much scope for practical assignments and working on Sports Leadership Skills within the school and the Sports Partnership.
Year 12/13 – BTEC L3: The Extended Certificate in Sport Level 3 is a two-year course offered in the Sixth Form. The course consists of two externally assessed units (exams) and two internally assessed units (assignments). This is the equivalent of one A Level.
Extra-curricular Clubs
The Sport and Fitness Department offers a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs during the year and participates in fixtures, competitions and leagues. Clubs such as football, netball, handball, basketball, gymnastics, running, athletics, fitness, volleyball, rounders and badminton are run at lunchtime and after school at varying times throughout the year. Student’s in all years have the opportunity to train as Sports Leaders and help at some of the Sports Partnership Primary Games
Award of Colours
Colours are awarded for excellence and regular commitment to team in football, netball, athletics and cross country. Half colours can be awarded any time after Year 8 and full colours at any time after Year 10, unless in exceptional circumstances when a student may be recognised earlier than these years.
For further information please contact Mrs J A Chapman, Head of Faculty: Sport, Nutrition and Fitness