Casual Admissions
Any parent/carer wishing to move their son to Walderslade School or Greenacre School at a point in the year, other than at the beginning of Year 7 or Year 12, will need to download Medway Council’s In-Year Casual Admissions Form, which can be found above.
This form should be completed and returned directly to the Walderslade & Greenacre Schools Partnership. A member of our admissions team will acknowledge receipt of your application. We will then check if we have spaces in the relevant year group and contact your child/ward’s previous school for information about their attainment and attendance etc. We will then be in touch to offer a space and arrange an induction meeting.
Should you have any questions about Casual Admissions, please email our admissions team at
Information on admissions and appeals can be found on the Medway Council website linked above.
Admissions Arrangements – Walderslade School
Admissions Arrangements – Greenacre School
WGSP Sixth Form Admissions
Application Process
The Walderslade & Greenacre Schools Partnership welcomes new students to join our Sixth Form each year from other schools. Students have the flexibility to choose from a broad selection of applied general and A Level courses, tailored to suit their academic goals and future career aspirations. For further details on the curriculum, please see the information below.
Entry Requirements
WGSP Sixth Form offers a variety of courses and pathways, each with its own entry requirements. Please be aware that some subjects have additional GCSE grade requirements beyond the general entry criteria.
Academic Pathway
To pursue a pathway of three or more A-Level subjects, students need a minimum of five grade 5s in full GCSE subjects, including Maths and English. Only A-Level courses are available on this pathway, with no vocational subjects included.
Mixed Pathway
For a pathway focused on three Level 3 vocational subjects, students must have at least four grade 4s in full GCSE subjects.
English and Maths GCSE Resit
Students who have not achieved a grade 4 in either English or Maths GCSE will be required to resit these subjects as part of their timetable.
You have the right to appeal for any school named on your application that hasn’t been able to offer your child a place.
You will need to complete an appeal request form, which will be available after offer day, and return it to the school you’re appealing for addressed to the ‘Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel’.
Medway Council isn’t involved in the appeal process for any primary/secondary school or academy.
You can only appeal for schools named on your application.
You can appeal for more than one school at the same time.
You must complete a separate request form for each school you’re appealing for.
Each school won’t know you have appealed for another school unless you tell them. The appeals for each school are completely independent of each other.
After you submit your appeal
After you submit your appeal, a hearing will be set up and you will be invited to attend. You must be given at least 10 school days’ notice.
You should be given a deadline to submit any further evidence you wish to provide.
Your child’s current school may also provide evidence (e.g. letter from the headteacher) to support your case, but aren’t obligated to. You will need to discuss this with them.
Any evidence submitted after the deadline may not be considered at the hearing.
The hearing
Your appeal will be heard by an independent panel who have no connection to the school.
The panel will decide on whether or not to uphold your appeal and grant your child a place.
You will be invited to the hearing to explain why you think your child should be given a place and the school will be invited to explain why a place can’t be offered.
There will be a clerk present, who makes sure correct procedure is followed throughout and keeps a full record of proceedings.
You have the right to bring a friend or family member to the hearing to support or represent you. However, this person must not have a connection with the school being appealed for (e.g. a member of staff from the school).
What happens at an appeal hearing
The panel will decide on whether or not to uphold your appeal and grant your child a place.
The admission authority will explain why they turned down your application.
You’ll be able to give your own reasons why your child should be given a place. The appeals panel must decide if the school’s admission arrangements were properly followed and are legal according to the school admissions appeals code.
If the arrangements are legal and were properly followed, the panel must decide if they were followed fairly and thoroughly.
If the arrangements weren’t properly followed or are illegal, your appeal must be upheld.
If your appeal has not already been upheld, the panel will decide if your reasons for your child receiving a place outweigh the school’s reasons for not admitting another child.
The panel will send you and the admission authority their decision within 5 school days.
A panel’s decision can only be overturned by a court. If there’s a change in your circumstances which could affect the decision, you may be able to appeal again.
The decision
The independent panel will make their decision after all appeals have been heard.
You will be notified of the decision in writing, usually within five working days of the last appeal.
The decision of the panel is final and can only be overturned by a court. Full details of the appeals process and regulations are available in the School Admissions Appeals Code.