Music curriculum statement:

Music Curriculum

The music Curriculum focuses on performance, theory, and listening and appraising, alongside building confidence within performance and partnering that with sound theoretical knowledge. Students cover a range of musical styles and are given various opportunities to learn new pieces of music from various genres and styles. Group work is key in music as this helps them to build key team working skills.

Music facilities

The music department has a wide range of facilities and instruments for students to play. We have one large music teaching space equipped with a piano, many keyboards and other various instruments, as well as computers for students to use when we cover music technology in KS4-5. We also have three separate practice rooms for students to practice in a quieter environment.

Year 7

All classes begin with a fundamental music module which focuses on the grass roots of music theory; Notelength, pitch, rhythm and instrument families. They then progress onto the Ukulele for two half terms and learn to read different forms of notation before returning onto the keyboard in term 5-6, focusing on the technique used within piano/keyboard playing.

Year 8

Students begin the year studying one of the most influential styles in music, Blues. They will learn the origins and key characteristics and build on keyboard skills learned in year 7. The students then study STOMP and learn about the complexities of rhythm and texture. They also create their own instruments to complete performances with. Students then finish the year looking at Film Music and building upon the Ukulele skills learned in year 7.

Year 9

Students begin year 9 with a study of music from the 30s and 40s, covering a range of styles including swing, musical hall and jazz. They then move on to Musical Theatre which is linked with keyboard playing, and finally, the end the year with Reggae Music through even further development and application of Ukulele skills. The focus on theory is heightened this year as they prepare to possibly take music as an option in year 10.

BTEC at KS4, Level 2

In years 10 and 11, music students study the vocational level 1/2 BTEC Tech Award. This course comprises of three assessed components that include exploring musical styles and their origins, music for film and screen, as well as original composition and performance opportunities. The final assessment marries the content learned in the first two components when students develop and present music in response to a brief.  The 3 components give students the opportunity to develop broad knowledge and understanding of the music sector, and specialist skills such as applying musical knowledge to music performance, music creation and music production.
More information on the course can be found at:

Co-Curricular Activities

The music department currently offers a regular school choir that is open to all years 7-13. The choir takes part in multiple shows during the year including the Christmas show, Summer Showcase and they are often invited to perform at events such as awards evenings and open events. We also have a peripatetic offering whereby students can book 1-1 instrumental lessons with specialist teachers at a small cost.


Within the music department, we aim to offer students the opportunity to attend trips to see professional musical productions at least once per year. Past trips have included music concerts and musicals such as We Will Rock You.