As you all know, Skills for Life is an integral part of everything we do and is the main theme of all of your lessons. We host regular assemblies and workshops to give you the opportunity to hear presentations from both local and national employers about the workplace, job opportunities and employment. We hope that all of this will make you more informed to make the decisions about your future and this being one of your big choices.    

 If you have no career ideas at present, that is perfectly normal at this stage. However, it is then important to consider what career areas you will be knocking out with your choices and be sure you are happy about them. There are equal opportunities in all subject choices so do not be swayed by people telling you there are ‘boys’ or ‘girls’ subjects. Also, never be tempted to choose a subject because a friend is doing it – what works well for them might be a disaster for you!  

 There are some very useful websites to aid your careers research which are listed at the bottom of the page.   

 You will receive advice and information over the coming months on careers related issues through your Skills for Life lessons, including objective information on all the possible pathways open to you post 16. During your time in Year 10 you will be required to undertake two weeks of work experience as this is crucial for developing an understanding of the world of work and an opportunity to develop your confidence, but also a fantastic chance to find out if you actually enjoy a specific job whilst developing skills and knowledge that you can sell in the future. It is also an entry requirement for some career related higher education courses.  

 And finally, every student will get the opportunity to have a one to one careers interview with an independent careers adviser over the next two years. The school’s Personal Advisers are regularly available for individual guidance and counselling sessions with pupils, whilst advising and assisting in the delivery of curriculum activities. Joint planning of activities includes the organisation of careers interviews, careers displays at parent/teacher consultation evenings, visits to and talks from local colleges and employers, and the maintenance of a careers resource bank. 

 It may also be advisable for you to consider reviewing local and national labour markets. This is something that may further inform your choices. This information is regularly shares in Skills for Life lessons, as part of the assemblies but can also be found by using the following websites:  

 For more information or if you have any questions regarding careers and advice please contact Mrs K Pamphlett (Careers Leader) 

Helpful Websites 

National website that provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. 

Career pilot is a career tool which will help you decide on your choices at 14, 16 and 18.  

My world of work is a website which helps you to understand who you are, where you want to go and how to get there. 

TARGETcareers FUTUREWISE is here to help school leavers make decisions about their future. Explore options for careers, university or apprenticeships and get help applying successfully. 

Success at School is the place for young people to explore careers, get the lowdown on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice. 

IMI is all about understanding the local labour markets to support you in your career decisions.  

Careers Box contains videos about different careers. 

IT Ambassadors is all about connecting students and parents with people who work in the communications and IT sector.  

Pure Potential wants to increase applications to the best universities and graduate recruiters from students who have attended state schools and sixth form.  If you are at sixth form or an FE college, its website is useful in providing information on the application process, profiles of universities and changes to tuition fees.