Preparing you for the Future

Welcome to
Greenacre School

As Headteacher of The Walderslade & Greenacre Schools Partnership, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all students, parents and visitors.

Our school is dedicated to nurturing the potential of every student. We believe in creating a positive and highly aspirational environment where each child can thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Our mission is to ensure that every student feels valued, supported and inspired to achieve their highest potential. I truly believe that all students can achieve well at WGSP.  Whether the Medway test has been sat, passed or failed, WGSP can compete in providing excellent learning opportunities in traditional subjects whilst offering a broad curriculum.

Louise Campbell

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We are proud to be Greenacre School


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Headteacher: Mrs L Campbell

157 Walderslade Road, Chatham

01634 861 593
