Greenacre Sports Partnership aspires to develop and improve physical literacy, by creating a variety of learning opportunities for all to compete and participate in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity. This will encourage lifelong participation, an active lifestyle and grow skills for life.Aims
- Upskill primary teachers, in PE, through tailored one to one support provided by QTS PE teachers
- Provide fun engaging lessons and activities to facilitate life long participation
- Create leadership opportunities to help pupils become employable in the future
- Implement an inclusive School Games programme for pupils aged 5 plus
- Develop fundamental movement skills in EYFS and KS1Sustain community sports club links
- Offer extra curricular activities to support the PE curriculum
- Provide and incorporate training opportunities for both staff and pupils to ensure a whole school approach to increasing physical activity
- Encourage schools to put PE at the heart of school life
Association for Physical Education Business Associate Member
In 2015, Greenacre Sports Partnership achieved Business Associate status from the Association for Physical Education. The scheme is designed to recognise high quality providers who support PE, School Sport & Physical Activity professionals to achieve the best outcomes for young people.