ICT and Computing Overview
The department is an innovative department that encourages all pupils to actively engage with computers and different types of technology. Students will use a wide range of software including word processing, spreadsheets, databases, image editing, video editing and app creation to name a few. Students will also learn about the basics of computer science including computer components, binary conversion, Python programming and HTML to name a few.

We strive to continue to be an eco-friendly department, therefore all student work is completed and saved on the computer. We do not print work and all feedback is provided on the computer. This allows students to be much more confident with using computers and allows them to gain new skills in the process.

Keystage 3

Year 7

Year 7 begin their journey within the department by understanding and practicing how to use computer safely, effectively and responsibly. This prepares and equips students with the tools and skills to become safe users of technology not only in secondary school, but their personal lives. Students then learn how to use the internet safely, and are made aware of the many risks associated with internet use. Students then begin to develop their knowledge of Computer Science as they are introduced to the basics of computer systems. Year 7 begin to develop their programming knowledge by using two block-based programming languages in an interactive and enjoyable way. The core foundations that are learnt at this stage are then applied throughout years 8 and 9. Students finish the year by demonstrating their creativity as they will record and edit their own video footage, and transform this into a professional advert.

Year 8 

Year 8 begin their time in the year by understanding how to effectively use basic computer programs, and execute Microsoft Excel formulae. Students are then introduced to their first written programming language, which will allow them to create a website. Students are taught how to use a variety of tags ensuring they are creating professional websites that they write themselves. Students are then provided with the opportunity to showcase their creativity in a different way, as pupils then build and develop games with professional elements. After this, students are shown how to create complex and professional vector graphics. Students are equipped with the skills required for digital graphic work and components. Students continue their journey with Computer Science by gaining an understanding of networking, and designing their own networks as part of their assessment. At the end of their journey in year 8, students demonstrate how to use professional software to create a complex website, that would be suitable to set-up for a company.

Year 9

Year 9 students begin their journey in the year by undertaking a taster of one of the key stage 4 options that are offered to them; Creative iMedia. Students showcase their creativity in an interactive and physical method by answering a range of exam questions and trialing coursework units. Students then resume their learning with Computer Science and are taught their second written language – Python. Students reinforce their learning throughout their learning journey so far by using variables, Boolean logic, print statements, IF statements and selection. Mid-way through the year students learn how data such as images, video and text are stored on computers in binary format. As the time gets closer for students to choose their GCSE options, students are exposed to Computer Science in greater detail, learning about Cyber Security, and how to stay safe from hackers, viruses, malware and other online criminal activity. Year 9 students then begin their fifth programming language by creating a series of mobile applications to suit the needs of various clients and briefs. Pupils demonstrate various methods of how to accommodate for different accessibility needs. Students end their key stage 3 journey by solidifying their graphic creativity, through the learning of professional and complex skills on Adobe Photoshop. Students create a range of images using new and prior knowledge.


OCR GCSE Computer Science

During year 10 students are able to build on the foundations that have been created in key stage 3 and learn in greater detail about the science of computers. In year 10, students learn about the CPU and its elements, storage and measurement, networks, network security, software, and cultural, legal and environmental issues in relation to technology. Students spend a considerable amount of time developing and enhancing their programming skills using Python. Students are prepared to undertake the programming project that is required for their course.

In year 11, students now strengthen their expertise in programming by learning further about algorithms, programming fundamentals, producing robust programs, Boolean logic, and using programming languages and integrated development environments. Students also undertake the programming project element of their course, in which they are provided with a problem and must find a practical solution to this. Students have 20 hours to complete this project.

At the end of the students’ journey in key stage 4, they have the opportunity to continue learning about Computer Science by progressing into sixth form, college and apprenticeships.

OCR Cambridge Nationals Creative iMedia

During year 10, students build upon their creativity skills that are learnt in key stage 3, and begin by undertaking their first coursework unit. Students learn about visual identities, colour psychology, branding, Photoshop enhanced skills and meeting the needs of a client. Students are then provided with 18-20 hours to undertake their assignment, which is then externally moderated. Students must demonstrate their creativity in a variety of ways, and must behave as if they are currently in the workplace, working for a client.

In year 11, students begin to work on their second and final coursework unit – Interactive Digital Media. Students spend a considerable amount of time learning about various multimedia products and their purpose, design principles, layout conventions, suitability, platforms and how they meet the needs for different users. Students then put this learning into practice by undertaking their assessment; to plan, design and create their own interactive digital media. Students are provided with the opportunity to create a mobile app, website or any other similar media product.

Students end their journey in the subject by undertaking their final exam, in which they will be studying concepts such as various job roles within the creative imedia industry, pre-production and planning documents, types of media products and legislation to be considered when creating multimedia products.


Cambridge Technicals IT Level 2

In year 12 students undertake their first two examinations; Unit 1 – The Essentials of IT and Unit 2 – Cyber Security. During this time students build their foundation for strong IT practitioners and learn the various components that are required inside computer systems, the internet of things, installing and upgrading software safely, and legislation that is required when working with computers.

In year 13 students complete two coursework units. This is suited to every class and can change from cohort to cohort. Students have the options to choose from units such as using social media for business purposes, using databases and creating websites.