All schools, in Medway, that join the Greenacre Sports Partnership must sign up to the compulsory
membership fee (this will automatically be added to your agreement when signing up to packages). The
benefits of joining us as members are as follows:
- To receive an Association for PE (AfPE) cluster membership.
- Free entry to all Primary School Games competitions (normally £75.00 per event for non-
members). * This does not include entry to the Mini Youth Games run by Medway Sport). - Access to the GSP online member’s portal, which includes webinars, SOW & additional resources.
- PE Coordinator support, as and when required.
- Application guidance to the School Games Mark/Framework.
- Access to the Medway Primary Football League.
- Information regarding all local CPD opportunities that arise during the year.
For more information and costings contact –the team.
*More opportunities for member schools may arise throughout the academic year.